Advancements in Tree Injection Research and Technology
2024 iLandscape Show Education Sessions
As we hit the 20th anniversary of the emerald ash borer (EAB) discovery in North America, what have we learned? What do the next 20 years hold for ash trees? Join us for an interdisciplinary journey using lessons learned with EAB management. See how science has led to effective treatments based on tree size and health as reliable predictors for preventing tree loss. Next, we will explore an ash tree retention and replacement study using tree canopy as a currency to evaluate a no net loss of tree canopy over a 20-year-time period. We will explore EAB decision-making by using sustainability constructs. What do we know about tree treatments to prevent ash loss? Finally, we will look at practical findings from field studies with tree and soil injection to help you make short- to long-term decisions with ash tree populations.
Certified Arborists: Please click HERE to complete your Learning Assessment.
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Certified Arborists: Please cli...
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